Cashiers : 828-743-1999

Highlands : 828-526-2999

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Riverwalk Home Sold In Hgihlands NC

Weekly Real Estate Sales Update for the Cashiers, Sapphire, and Highlands Plateau in North Carolina

Why wait any longer to reach for the home of your dreams? Silver Creek Real Estate Group invites you to join the growing number of families and investors who have discovered the natural beauty of the Highlands-Cashiers Plateau, as well as the lasting value of homes and property in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina. If you currently own a home in Cashiers, Highlands, Sapphire, Glenville or Lake Toxaway and are considering making a move to another corner of the world we encourage you to select Silver Creek as your listing partner. We take great pride in successfully matching buyers with sellers and dreamers with dream homes.

For your convenience, we have compiled a list of this weeks home and land sales. Property sales for the week of January 9, 2012:

A 4 bedroom/4.5 bath home in Riverwalk sold for $1,100,000 A 4 bedroom/4.5 bath home in Sagee Mountain sold for $685,000 A 3 bedroom/4.5 bath home in Burlingame sold for $425,000 A 3 bedroom/2 bath home on Highway 107 South sold for $355,000 73+ acres on Salt Rock Road sold for $600,000 Lot 46 in Bridge Creek sold for $75,000 Lot 70 in Bridge Creek sold for $50,000 Lot 41 in Bridge Creek sold for $40,000 Lot 45 in Bridge Creek sold for $40,000 Lot C-1 in Walnut Gap sold for $40,000 A 3 bedroom/2 bath unit in VZ Top sold for $188,500 A commercial unit on Cabe Place sold for $80,000

Whether you are looking for your familys vacation home or primary residence, Silver Creek Real Estate Group welcomes the opportunity to help you find the ideal home to fit your vision. If you wish to place your Highlands-Cashiers Plateau property on the market, we invite you to contact Silver Creek and speak with one of our talented and experienced brokers. To get started as quickly as TODAY, simply call us at 828-743-1999, drop by our offices at the Shoppes at CreekSide near the Cashiers Crossroads, fill out an online contact form at or e-mail your questions directly to us at We look forward to discussing how Silver Creek Real Estate Group might best serve you and your family!